Koppeling met Skarabee
Wanneer je de WordPress Makelaars plugin geschikt voor Skarabee wil gaan inbouwen kan je de onderstaande velden gebruiken.
Voor het ontwikkelen van de wonen module kunnen de onderstaande velden gebruikt worden.
Veld | Naam | Type |
Id | id | Integer |
User | user | String |
info | info | Subtype |
Created | info.created | DateTime |
Modified | info.modified | DateTime |
Hide price | info.hidePrice | Boolean |
Hide address | info.hideAddress | Boolean |
Hide house number | info.hideHouseNumber | Boolean |
Enabled | info.enabled | Boolean |
Flash ID | info.flashID | String |
Options | info.options | Array |
Virtual url | info.virtualUrl | String |
Video url | info.videoUrl | String |
Site url | info.siteUrl | String |
Address | address | String |
City | city | String |
project | project | Subtype |
Publication ID | project.publicationID | Integer |
Name | project.name | String |
Content | project.content | Double |
Content unit | project.contentUnit | String |
Habitable area | project.habitableArea | Double |
Habitable area unit | project.habitableAreaUnit | String |
Living room area | project.livingRoomArea | Double |
Living room area unit | project.livingRoomAreaUnit | String |
transactionPrice | project.transactionPrice | Subtype |
Amount | project.transactionPrice.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | project.transactionPrice.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | project.transactionPrice.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | project.transactionPrice.VATRate | Double |
Description | project.transactionPrice.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | project.transactionPrice.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | project.transactionPrice.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | project.transactionPrice.currency | String |
Recurrency | project.transactionPrice.recurrency | String |
Units | project.units | Integer |
Free units | project.freeUnits | Integer |
Start building | project.startBuilding | String |
Start building comment | project.startBuildingComment | String |
Acceptance | project.acceptance | String |
Acceptance comment | project.acceptanceComment | String |
Consumer info | project.consumerInfo | String |
contactPerson | project.contactPerson | Subtype |
First name | project.contactPerson.firstName | String |
Last name | project.contactPerson.lastName | String |
Language ID | project.contactPerson.languageID | String |
Phone | project.contactPerson.phone | String |
project.contactPerson.email | String | |
model | model | Subtype |
Publication ID | model.publicationID | Integer |
Name | model.name | String |
transactionPrice | model.transactionPrice | Subtype |
Amount | model.transactionPrice.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | model.transactionPrice.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | model.transactionPrice.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | model.transactionPrice.VATRate | Double |
Description | model.transactionPrice.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | model.transactionPrice.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | model.transactionPrice.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | model.transactionPrice.currency | String |
Recurrency | model.transactionPrice.recurrency | String |
Units | model.units | Integer |
Free units | model.freeUnits | Integer |
Start building | model.startBuilding | String |
Start building comment | model.startBuildingComment | String |
Acceptance | model.acceptance | String |
Acceptance comment | model.acceptanceComment | String |
Consumer info | model.consumerInfo | String |
contactPerson | model.contactPerson | Subtype |
First name | model.contactPerson.firstName | String |
Last name | model.contactPerson.lastName | String |
Language ID | model.contactPerson.languageID | String |
Phone | model.contactPerson.phone | String |
model.contactPerson.email | String | |
Created | created | DateTime |
Modified | modified | DateTime |
Active | active | Boolean |
Reference | reference | String |
Market type | marketType | String |
Type | type | String |
Special type | specialType | String |
Status | status | String |
Price | price | Double |
Price type | priceType | String |
Currency | currency | String |
Area | area | Integer |
Land area | landArea | Integer |
Surface livable | surfaceLivable | Integer |
fullAddress | fullAddress | Subtype |
Pre address | fullAddress.preAddress | String |
Residence | fullAddress.residence | String |
Street | fullAddress.street | String |
Street ID | fullAddress.streetID | Integer |
House number | fullAddress.houseNumber | Integer |
House number extension | fullAddress.houseNumberExtension | String |
Zip code | fullAddress.zipCode | String |
City | fullAddress.city | String |
Mail box | fullAddress.mailBox | String |
Country ID | fullAddress.countryID | String |
Residence | residence | String |
Construction year | constructionYear | String |
New estate | newEstate | Boolean |
Renovation year | renovationYear | Integer |
nearby | nearby | Subtype |
Public transport | nearby.publicTransport | Boolean |
Shops | nearby.shops | Boolean |
School | nearby.school | Boolean |
Highway | nearby.highway | Boolean |
Shop location | shopLocation | String |
Easement | easement | String |
Charges and provisions | chargesAndProvisions | Double |
Communal expenses | communalExpenses | Double |
Heating water costs | heatingWaterCosts | Double |
General state | generalState | String |
Environmental planning | environmentalPlanning | String |
Width | width | Double |
Depth | depth | Double |
Front width | frontWidth | Double |
Floor level NL | floorLevelNL | String |
Surface living | surfaceLiving | Double |
Surface stock | surfaceStock | String |
Surface terrace | surfaceTerrace | Double |
Roof type | roofType | String |
Window type | windowType | String |
Glazing types | glazingTypes | Array |
Heating types | heatingTypes | Array |
Modification | modification | String |
Orientation | orientation | String |
Roof evaluation | roofEvaluation | String |
Window evaluation | windowEvaluation | String |
Glazing evaluation | glazingEvaluation | String |
Heating evaluation | heatingEvaluation | String |
Electricity evaluation | electricityEvaluation | String |
Plumbing evaluation | plumbingEvaluation | String |
Sanitary evaluation | sanitaryEvaluation | String |
Confidential | confidential | String |
Clauses | clauses | String |
Rent type | rentType | String |
Rent time | rentTime | String |
Dismiss | dismiss | String |
Pets allowed | petsAllowed | Boolean |
Usage professional percent | usageProfessionalPercent | Integer |
Usage private percent | usagePrivatePercent | Integer |
Cadastrall description | cadastrallDescription | String |
Acception | acception | String |
Content | content | Double |
Surface utility room | surfaceUtilityRoom | Double |
Living room type | livingRoomType | String |
Profession room type | professionRoomType | String |
Condition | condition | String |
Interim interest | interimInterest | Boolean |
House contribution | houseContribution | Boolean |
Transferrable contribution | transferrableContribution | Boolean |
Must notice | mustNotice | Boolean |
BOOT | BOOT | Boolean |
OZB user share | OZBUserShare | Double |
OZB business share | OZBBusinessShare | Double |
Water board levies | waterBoardLevies | Double |
Sewer rights | sewerRights | Double |
Heating costs | heatingCosts | Double |
Contribution GWE | contributionGWE | Double |
Land consolidation | landConsolidation | Double |
Net rent profit | netRentProfit | Double |
Gross rent profit | grossRentProfit | Double |
Economical value | economicalValue | Double |
Average term | averageTerm | Integer |
Surface showroom | surfaceShowroom | Double |
Surface profession room | surfaceProfessionRoom | Double |
Surface attick | surfaceAttick | Double |
Surface basement | surfaceBasement | Double |
Elevator evaluation | elevatorEvaluation | String |
Alarm evaluation | alarmEvaluation | String |
Roller blinds evaluation | rollerBlindsEvaluation | String |
Office type | officeType | String |
VRURL | VRURL | String |
Conditional sold | conditionalSold | Boolean |
Conditional sold date | conditionalSoldDate | Date |
Take over | takeOver | Boolean |
flashes | flashes | Collection |
Title | flashes.title | String |
Text | flashes.text | Text |
Under construction | underConstruction | Boolean |
Construction period | constructionPeriod | String |
Specification | specification | String |
Maintenance inside | maintenanceInside | String |
Maintenance outside | maintenanceOutside | String |
Self intrest | selfIntrest | Boolean |
Shape of construction | shapeOfConstruction | String |
Current usage | currentUsage | String |
Current destination | currentDestination | String |
Permanent residence | permanentResidence | Boolean |
Double residence | doubleResidence | Boolean |
Garnished | garnished | String |
Characterization | characterization | String |
Service charges | serviceCharges | String |
GIW guarantee | GIWGuarantee | Boolean |
Storage room | storageRoom | String |
External solar blinds | externalSolarBlinds | Boolean |
Plumbing types | plumbingTypes | Array |
Isolation evaluation | isolationEvaluation | String |
Construction type | constructionType | String |
Isolation types | isolationTypes | Array |
Open porch in app | openPorchInApp | Boolean |
Area rdy for constr | areaRdyForConstr | Boolean |
cadastrallInformations | cadastrallInformations | Collection |
City name | cadastrallInformations.cityName | String |
City code | cadastrallInformations.cityCode | String |
Country code | cadastrallInformations.countryCode | String |
Section | cadastrallInformations.section | String |
Plot | cadastrallInformations.plot | String |
Index number | cadastrallInformations.indexNumber | String |
Surface | cadastrallInformations.surface | Integer |
Range | cadastrallInformations.range | String |
Type | cadastrallInformations.type | String |
Ground lease per year | cadastrallInformations.groundLeasePerYear | Double |
Fix variable | cadastrallInformations.fixVariable | String |
Ground lease period | cadastrallInformations.groundLeasePeriod | String |
End date | cadastrallInformations.endDate | Date |
Commutation option | cadastrallInformations.commutationOption | Boolean |
Commutation until | cadastrallInformations.commutationUntil | String |
Explanatory note | cadastrallInformations.explanatoryNote | String |
Source | cadastrallInformations.source | String |
Locations | locations | Array |
Back yard width | backYardWidth | Double |
Back yard depth | backYardDepth | Double |
Appartment in thousands | appartmentInThousands | Integer |
Sold price | soldPrice | Double |
urbanDevelopment | urbanDevelopment | Subtype |
Permit | urbanDevelopment.permit | Boolean |
Summons | urbanDevelopment.summons | Boolean |
Preemptive rights | urbanDevelopment.preemptiveRights | Boolean |
Allotment permit | urbanDevelopment.allotmentPermit | Boolean |
Area application | urbanDevelopment.areaApplication | String |
Area application code | urbanDevelopment.areaApplicationCode | String |
Judicial decision | urbanDevelopment.judicialDecision | Boolean |
Judicial decision type | urbanDevelopment.judicialDecisionType | String |
Comment on judicial decision | urbanDevelopment.commentOnJudicialDecision | String |
Protected monument | urbanDevelopment.protectedMonument | String |
dimensions | dimensions | Subtype |
Content width | dimensions.contentWidth | Double |
Content width unit | dimensions.contentWidthUnit | String |
Free height | dimensions.freeHeight | Double |
Free height unit | dimensions.freeHeightUnit | String |
Free span length | dimensions.freeSpanLength | Double |
Free span length unit | dimensions.freeSpanLengthUnit | String |
Industry surface | dimensions.industrySurface | Double |
Industry surface unit | dimensions.industrySurfaceUnit | String |
Construction surface | dimensions.constructionSurface | Double |
Construction surface unit | dimensions.constructionSurfaceUnit | String |
Content volume | dimensions.contentVolume | Double |
Content volume unit | dimensions.contentVolumeUnit | String |
Industry hall drivein height | dimensions.industryHallDriveinHeight | Double |
Industry hall drivein height unit | dimensions.industryHallDriveinHeightUnit | String |
Industry land surface | dimensions.industryLandSurface | Double |
Industry land surface unit | dimensions.industryLandSurfaceUnit | String |
Shop surface | dimensions.shopSurface | Double |
Shop surface unit | dimensions.shopSurfaceUnit | String |
Showroom surface | dimensions.showroomSurface | Double |
Showroom surface unit | dimensions.showroomSurfaceUnit | String |
Storage room surface | dimensions.storageRoomSurface | Double |
Storage room surface unit | dimensions.storageRoomSurfaceUnit | String |
Cantine surface | dimensions.cantineSurface | Double |
Cantine surface unit | dimensions.cantineSurfaceUnit | String |
Divide in units surface | dimensions.divideInUnitsSurface | Double |
Divide in units surface unit | dimensions.divideInUnitsSurfaceUnit | String |
Floor load | dimensions.floorLoad | Double |
Floor load unit | dimensions.floorLoadUnit | String |
Frontage width | dimensions.frontageWidth | Double |
Frontage width unit | dimensions.frontageWidthUnit | String |
Office surface | dimensions.officeSurface | Double |
Office surface unit | dimensions.officeSurfaceUnit | String |
Production hall surface | dimensions.productionHallSurface | Double |
Production hall surface unit | dimensions.productionHallSurfaceUnit | String |
Total surface | dimensions.totalSurface | Double |
Total surface unit | dimensions.totalSurfaceUnit | String |
Unbuilt surface | dimensions.unbuiltSurface | Double |
Unbuilt surface unit | dimensions.unbuiltSurfaceUnit | String |
Catering surface | dimensions.cateringSurface | Double |
Catering surface unit | dimensions.cateringSurfaceUnit | String |
Construction height | dimensions.constructionHeight | Double |
Construction height unit | dimensions.constructionHeightUnit | String |
Ground floor load | dimensions.groundFloorLoad | Double |
Ground floor load unit | dimensions.groundFloorLoadUnit | String |
Habitable surface | dimensions.habitableSurface | Double |
Habitable surface unit | dimensions.habitableSurfaceUnit | String |
Industry hall surface | dimensions.industryHallSurface | Double |
Industry hall surface unit | dimensions.industryHallSurfaceUnit | String |
Industry office surface | dimensions.industryOfficeSurface | Double |
Industry office surface unit | dimensions.industryOfficeSurfaceUnit | String |
Living room surface | dimensions.livingRoomSurface | Double |
Living room surface unit | dimensions.livingRoomSurfaceUnit | String |
Sales room surface | dimensions.salesRoomSurface | Double |
Sales room surface unit | dimensions.salesRoomSurfaceUnit | String |
Balcony surface | dimensions.balconySurface | Double |
Balcony surface unit | dimensions.balconySurfaceUnit | String |
Surface other usage indoor | dimensions.surfaceOtherUsageIndoor | Double |
Surface other usage indoor unit | dimensions.surfaceOtherUsageIndoorUnit | String |
Surface building related outdoor | dimensions.surfaceBuildingRelatedOutdoor | Double |
Surface building related outdoor unit | dimensions.surfaceBuildingRelatedOutdoorUnit | String |
Surface external storage | dimensions.surfaceExternalStorage | Double |
Surface external storage unit | dimensions.surfaceExternalStorageUnit | String |
Rentable surface | dimensions.rentableSurface | Double |
Rentable surface unit | dimensions.rentableSurfaceUnit | String |
Available from date text | availableFromDateText | String |
Available from date | availableFromDate | Date |
Auction date | auctionDate | Date |
Interim intreset date | interimIntresetDate | Date |
Investment expiration date | investmentExpirationDate | Date |
Signature deed date | signatureDeedDate | Date |
Mandate start date | mandateStartDate | Date |
Mandate end date | mandateEndDate | Date |
Agent contract date | agentContractDate | Date |
Start transaction date | startTransactionDate | Date |
Sold date | soldDate | Date |
map | map | Subtype |
Url | map.url | String |
Flood prone area | floodProneArea | String |
Delimited floodplain or riverbank | delimitedFloodplainOrRiverbank | String |
financials | financials | Subtype |
cadastralIncome | financials.cadastralIncome | Subtype |
Amount | financials.cadastralIncome.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.cadastralIncome.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.cadastralIncome.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.cadastralIncome.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.cadastralIncome.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.cadastralIncome.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.cadastralIncome.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.cadastralIncome.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.cadastralIncome.recurrency | String |
cadastralIncomeIndexed | financials.cadastralIncomeIndexed | Subtype |
Amount | financials.cadastralIncomeIndexed.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.cadastralIncomeIndexed.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.cadastralIncomeIndexed.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.cadastralIncomeIndexed.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.cadastralIncomeIndexed.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.cadastralIncomeIndexed.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.cadastralIncomeIndexed.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.cadastralIncomeIndexed.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.cadastralIncomeIndexed.recurrency | String |
chargesAndProvisions | financials.chargesAndProvisions | Subtype |
Amount | financials.chargesAndProvisions.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.chargesAndProvisions.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.chargesAndProvisions.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.chargesAndProvisions.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.chargesAndProvisions.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.chargesAndProvisions.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.chargesAndProvisions.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.chargesAndProvisions.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.chargesAndProvisions.recurrency | String |
communalExpenses | financials.communalExpenses | Subtype |
Amount | financials.communalExpenses.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.communalExpenses.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.communalExpenses.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.communalExpenses.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.communalExpenses.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.communalExpenses.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.communalExpenses.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.communalExpenses.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.communalExpenses.recurrency | String |
constructionValue | financials.constructionValue | Subtype |
Amount | financials.constructionValue.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.constructionValue.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.constructionValue.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.constructionValue.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.constructionValue.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.constructionValue.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.constructionValue.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.constructionValue.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.constructionValue.recurrency | String |
contributionGwe | financials.contributionGwe | Subtype |
Amount | financials.contributionGwe.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.contributionGwe.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.contributionGwe.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.contributionGwe.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.contributionGwe.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.contributionGwe.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.contributionGwe.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.contributionGwe.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.contributionGwe.recurrency | String |
contributionShopAssociation | financials.contributionShopAssociation | Subtype |
Amount | financials.contributionShopAssociation.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.contributionShopAssociation.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.contributionShopAssociation.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.contributionShopAssociation.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.contributionShopAssociation.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.contributionShopAssociation.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.contributionShopAssociation.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.contributionShopAssociation.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.contributionShopAssociation.recurrency | String |
coveredParkingPlace | financials.coveredParkingPlace | Subtype |
Amount | financials.coveredParkingPlace.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.coveredParkingPlace.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.coveredParkingPlace.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.coveredParkingPlace.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.coveredParkingPlace.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.coveredParkingPlace.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.coveredParkingPlace.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.coveredParkingPlace.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.coveredParkingPlace.recurrency | String |
economicalValue | financials.economicalValue | Subtype |
Amount | financials.economicalValue.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.economicalValue.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.economicalValue.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.economicalValue.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.economicalValue.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.economicalValue.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.economicalValue.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.economicalValue.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.economicalValue.recurrency | String |
grossrentProfit | financials.grossrentProfit | Subtype |
Amount | financials.grossrentProfit.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.grossrentProfit.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.grossrentProfit.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.grossrentProfit.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.grossrentProfit.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.grossrentProfit.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.grossrentProfit.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.grossrentProfit.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.grossrentProfit.recurrency | String |
heatingCosts | financials.heatingCosts | Subtype |
Amount | financials.heatingCosts.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.heatingCosts.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.heatingCosts.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.heatingCosts.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.heatingCosts.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.heatingCosts.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.heatingCosts.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.heatingCosts.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.heatingCosts.recurrency | String |
heatingwaterCosts | financials.heatingwaterCosts | Subtype |
Amount | financials.heatingwaterCosts.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.heatingwaterCosts.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.heatingwaterCosts.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.heatingwaterCosts.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.heatingwaterCosts.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.heatingwaterCosts.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.heatingwaterCosts.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.heatingwaterCosts.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.heatingwaterCosts.recurrency | String |
landConsolidation | financials.landConsolidation | Subtype |
Amount | financials.landConsolidation.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.landConsolidation.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.landConsolidation.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.landConsolidation.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.landConsolidation.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.landConsolidation.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.landConsolidation.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.landConsolidation.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.landConsolidation.recurrency | String |
maximumPrice | financials.maximumPrice | Subtype |
Amount | financials.maximumPrice.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.maximumPrice.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.maximumPrice.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.maximumPrice.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.maximumPrice.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.maximumPrice.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.maximumPrice.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.maximumPrice.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.maximumPrice.recurrency | String |
minimumPrice | financials.minimumPrice | Subtype |
Amount | financials.minimumPrice.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.minimumPrice.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.minimumPrice.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.minimumPrice.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.minimumPrice.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.minimumPrice.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.minimumPrice.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.minimumPrice.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.minimumPrice.recurrency | String |
netrentProfit | financials.netrentProfit | Subtype |
Amount | financials.netrentProfit.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.netrentProfit.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.netrentProfit.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.netrentProfit.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.netrentProfit.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.netrentProfit.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.netrentProfit.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.netrentProfit.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.netrentProfit.recurrency | String |
ozbUserShare | financials.ozbUserShare | Subtype |
Amount | financials.ozbUserShare.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.ozbUserShare.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.ozbUserShare.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.ozbUserShare.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.ozbUserShare.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.ozbUserShare.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.ozbUserShare.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.ozbUserShare.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.ozbUserShare.recurrency | String |
ozbBussinessShare | financials.ozbBussinessShare | Subtype |
Amount | financials.ozbBussinessShare.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.ozbBussinessShare.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.ozbBussinessShare.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.ozbBussinessShare.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.ozbBussinessShare.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.ozbBussinessShare.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.ozbBussinessShare.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.ozbBussinessShare.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.ozbBussinessShare.recurrency | String |
parkingPlace | financials.parkingPlace | Subtype |
Amount | financials.parkingPlace.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.parkingPlace.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.parkingPlace.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.parkingPlace.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.parkingPlace.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.parkingPlace.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.parkingPlace.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.parkingPlace.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.parkingPlace.recurrency | String |
previousRentPrice | financials.previousRentPrice | Subtype |
Amount | financials.previousRentPrice.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.previousRentPrice.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.previousRentPrice.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.previousRentPrice.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.previousRentPrice.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.previousRentPrice.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.previousRentPrice.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.previousRentPrice.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.previousRentPrice.recurrency | String |
rentPrice | financials.rentPrice | Subtype |
Amount | financials.rentPrice.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.rentPrice.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.rentPrice.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.rentPrice.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.rentPrice.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.rentPrice.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.rentPrice.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.rentPrice.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.rentPrice.recurrency | String |
rentPricePerSquareMeter | financials.rentPricePerSquareMeter | Subtype |
Amount | financials.rentPricePerSquareMeter.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.rentPricePerSquareMeter.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.rentPricePerSquareMeter.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.rentPricePerSquareMeter.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.rentPricePerSquareMeter.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.rentPricePerSquareMeter.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.rentPricePerSquareMeter.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.rentPricePerSquareMeter.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.rentPricePerSquareMeter.recurrency | String |
salePrice | financials.salePrice | Subtype |
Amount | financials.salePrice.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.salePrice.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.salePrice.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.salePrice.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.salePrice.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.salePrice.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.salePrice.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.salePrice.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.salePrice.recurrency | String |
serviceCosts | financials.serviceCosts | Subtype |
Amount | financials.serviceCosts.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.serviceCosts.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.serviceCosts.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.serviceCosts.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.serviceCosts.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.serviceCosts.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.serviceCosts.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.serviceCosts.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.serviceCosts.recurrency | String |
serviceCostsPerSquareMeter | financials.serviceCostsPerSquareMeter | Subtype |
Amount | financials.serviceCostsPerSquareMeter.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.serviceCostsPerSquareMeter.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.serviceCostsPerSquareMeter.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.serviceCostsPerSquareMeter.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.serviceCostsPerSquareMeter.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.serviceCostsPerSquareMeter.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.serviceCostsPerSquareMeter.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.serviceCostsPerSquareMeter.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.serviceCostsPerSquareMeter.recurrency | String |
sewerRights | financials.sewerRights | Subtype |
Amount | financials.sewerRights.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.sewerRights.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.sewerRights.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.sewerRights.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.sewerRights.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.sewerRights.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.sewerRights.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.sewerRights.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.sewerRights.recurrency | String |
soldPrice | financials.soldPrice | Subtype |
Amount | financials.soldPrice.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.soldPrice.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.soldPrice.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.soldPrice.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.soldPrice.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.soldPrice.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.soldPrice.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.soldPrice.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.soldPrice.recurrency | String |
takeoverGoodwill | financials.takeoverGoodwill | Subtype |
Amount | financials.takeoverGoodwill.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.takeoverGoodwill.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.takeoverGoodwill.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.takeoverGoodwill.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.takeoverGoodwill.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.takeoverGoodwill.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.takeoverGoodwill.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.takeoverGoodwill.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.takeoverGoodwill.recurrency | String |
takeoverInventory | financials.takeoverInventory | Subtype |
Amount | financials.takeoverInventory.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.takeoverInventory.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.takeoverInventory.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.takeoverInventory.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.takeoverInventory.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.takeoverInventory.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.takeoverInventory.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.takeoverInventory.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.takeoverInventory.recurrency | String |
terrainValue | financials.terrainValue | Subtype |
Amount | financials.terrainValue.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.terrainValue.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.terrainValue.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.terrainValue.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.terrainValue.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.terrainValue.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.terrainValue.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.terrainValue.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.terrainValue.recurrency | String |
uncoveredParkingPlace | financials.uncoveredParkingPlace | Subtype |
Amount | financials.uncoveredParkingPlace.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.uncoveredParkingPlace.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.uncoveredParkingPlace.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.uncoveredParkingPlace.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.uncoveredParkingPlace.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.uncoveredParkingPlace.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.uncoveredParkingPlace.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.uncoveredParkingPlace.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.uncoveredParkingPlace.recurrency | String |
waterboardLevies | financials.waterboardLevies | Subtype |
Amount | financials.waterboardLevies.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.waterboardLevies.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.waterboardLevies.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.waterboardLevies.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.waterboardLevies.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.waterboardLevies.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.waterboardLevies.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.waterboardLevies.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.waterboardLevies.recurrency | String |
WWZ | financials.WWZ | Subtype |
Amount | financials.WWZ.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.WWZ.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.WWZ.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.WWZ.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.WWZ.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.WWZ.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.WWZ.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.WWZ.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.WWZ.recurrency | String |
transactionPrice | financials.transactionPrice | Subtype |
Amount | financials.transactionPrice.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.transactionPrice.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.transactionPrice.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.transactionPrice.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.transactionPrice.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.transactionPrice.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.transactionPrice.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.transactionPrice.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.transactionPrice.recurrency | String |
totalCommission | financials.totalCommission | Subtype |
Amount | financials.totalCommission.amount | Double |
Minimum amount | financials.totalCommission.minimumAmount | Double |
Maximum amount | financials.totalCommission.maximumAmount | Double |
VAT rate | financials.totalCommission.VATRate | Double |
Description | financials.totalCommission.description | String |
VAT fiscalised | financials.totalCommission.VATFiscalised | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | financials.totalCommission.VATInclusive | Boolean |
Currency | financials.totalCommission.currency | String |
Recurrency | financials.totalCommission.recurrency | String |
floors | floors | Collection |
Attic room possible | floors.atticRoomPossible | Boolean |
Attic fix stair | floors.atticFixStair | Boolean |
Living room types | floors.livingRoomTypes | Array |
Living room surface | floors.livingRoomSurface | Integer |
Stair in living room | floors.stairInLivingRoom | Boolean |
Kitchen types | floors.kitchenTypes | Array |
Kitchen surface | floors.kitchenSurface | Integer |
Kitchen renewed | floors.kitchenRenewed | Integer |
Bathroom 1 types | floors.bathroom1Types | Array |
Bathroom 1 width | floors.bathroom1Width | Integer |
Bathroom 1 length | floors.bathroom1Length | Integer |
Bathroom 2 types | floors.bathroom2Types | Array |
Bathroom 2 width | floors.bathroom2Width | Integer |
Bathroom 2 length | floors.bathroom2Length | Integer |
Utility room | floors.utilityRoom | Boolean |
Shower | floors.shower | Boolean |
Toilet | floors.toilet | Boolean |
Alleyway | floors.alleyway | Boolean |
Vestibule | floors.vestibule | Boolean |
Hall | floors.hall | Boolean |
Machine room | floors.machineRoom | Boolean |
Storage | floors.storage | Boolean |
Provision room | floors.provisionRoom | Boolean |
Balcony | floors.balcony | Boolean |
Roof terrace | floors.roofTerrace | Boolean |
Dormer | floors.dormer | Boolean |
id | floors._id | String |
Num of rooms | floors.numOfRooms | Integer |
Num of bed rooms | floors.numOfBedRooms | Integer |
Description | floors.description | String |
Level | floors.level | Integer |
Type | floors.type | String |
energy | energy | Subtype |
Index | energy.index | Double |
Class end date | energy.classEndDate | Date |
Class | energy.class | String |
Energy certificate nr | energy.energyCertificateNr | String |
K level | energy.KLevel | Double |
Energy level | energy.energyLevel | Double |
GES index | GESIndex | Double |
GES class | GESClass | String |
Payment period | paymentPeriod | String |
Rights in rem | rightsInRem | Array |
certifications | certifications | Collection |
Organisation | certifications.organisation | String |
Type | certifications.type | String |
Date | certifications.date | Date |
Payment | payment | String |
Common walls | commonWalls | String |
Total floor area | totalFloorArea | Double |
Gross floor area | grossFloorArea | Double |
Rent status | rentStatus | String |
Rent duration | rentDuration | Integer |
VVE active | VVEActive | Boolean |
Property type | propertyType | String |
openHouseDates | openHouseDates | Collection |
From | openHouseDates.from | String |
To | openHouseDates.to | String |
Price indication | priceIndication | String |
Bases type | basesType | String |
Bases evaluation | basesEvaluation | String |
Frontage evaluation | frontageEvaluation | String |
Frontage type | frontageType | String |
Roof cover evaluation | roofCoverEvaluation | String |
Roof cover type | roofCoverType | String |
Construction evaluation | constructionEvaluation | String |
Warm water evaluation | warmWaterEvaluation | String |
Warm water types | warmWaterTypes | Array |
Fire place type | firePlaceType | String |
Real estate tax | realEstateTax | Double |
Link | link | String |
allFlashes | allFlashes | Collection |
Title | allFlashes.title | String |
Text | allFlashes.text | Text |
Mandate type | mandateType | String |
Mandate number | mandateNumber | String |
Mandate origin | mandateOrigin | String |
Costs tennant agency | costsTennantAgency | Double |
Costs tennant topography | costsTennantTopography | Double |
Costs tennant certificate | costsTennantCertificate | Double |
Costs tennant diverse | costsTennantDiverse | Double |
Deposit | deposit | Double |
Marketing types | marketingTypes | Array |
Lot publication id | lotPublicationId | Integer |
typo | typo | Subtype |
Type | typo.type | String |
Category | typo.category | String |
Sort | typo.sort | String |
Genre | typo.genre | String |
Characterisation | typo.characterisation | String |
comment | comment | Subtype |
Restriction | comment.restriction | String |
Roof | comment.roof | String |
Window | comment.window | String |
Glazing | comment.glazing | String |
Heating | comment.heating | String |
Electricity | comment.electricity | String |
Plumbing | comment.plumbing | String |
Sanitary | comment.sanitary | String |
Elevator | comment.elevator | String |
Alarm | comment.alarm | String |
Roller blinds | comment.rollerBlinds | String |
External solar blinds | comment.externalSolarBlinds | String |
Ventilation | comment.ventilation | String |
Cable TV | comment.cable_TV | String |
Pool | comment.pool | String |
Isolation | comment.isolation | String |
Open house | comment.openHouse | String |
Bases | comment.bases | String |
Roof cover | comment.roofCover | String |
Construction | comment.construction | String |
Airco | comment.airco | String |
Facilities | comment.facilities | String |
Jacuzzi | comment.jacuzzi | String |
Intercom | comment.intercom | String |
Electricity connect | comment.electricityConnect | String |
Gas connect | comment.gasConnect | String |
Water connect | comment.waterConnect | String |
Sewer connect | comment.sewerConnect | String |
On internet connect | comment.onInternetConnect | String |
cadastrall | cadastrall | Subtype |
Name | cadastrall.name | String |
Numbers | cadastrall.numbers | String |
Area | cadastrall.area | Integer |
Income | cadastrall.income | Double |
Income indexed | cadastrall.incomeIndexed | Double |
kitchen | kitchen | Subtype |
Surface | kitchen.surface | Double |
Type | kitchen.type | String |
Genre | kitchen.genre | String |
garage | garage | Subtype |
Type | garage.type | String |
Number of places | garage.numberOfPlaces | String |
Costs | garage.costs | Double |
garden | garden | Subtype |
Type | garden.type | String |
Quality | garden.quality | String |
Surface | garden.surface | Double |
numberOf | numberOf | Subtype |
Bedrooms | numberOf.bedrooms | Integer |
Floors | numberOf.floors | Integer |
Bathrooms | numberOf.bathrooms | Integer |
Parking places | numberOf.parkingPlaces | Integer |
Offices | numberOf.offices | Integer |
Garages | numberOf.garages | Integer |
Toilets | numberOf.toilets | Integer |
Rooms | numberOf.rooms | Integer |
is | is | Subtype |
Child friendly | is.childFriendly | Boolean |
VAT inclusive | is.VATInclusive | Boolean |
VAT exclusive | is.VATExclusive | Boolean |
Monuments act | is.monumentsAct | Boolean |
Protected | is.protected | Boolean |
Split appartment | is.splitAppartment | Boolean |
In production | is.inProduction | Boolean |
Discrete | is.discrete | Boolean |
Yield property | is.yieldProperty | Boolean |
has | has | Subtype |
Garage | has.garage | Boolean |
Garden | has.garden | Boolean |
Terrace | has.terrace | Boolean |
Cellar | has.cellar | Boolean |
Elevator | has.elevator | Boolean |
Attick | has.attick | Boolean |
Alarm | has.alarm | Boolean |
Furniture | has.furniture | Boolean |
Back yard | has.backYard | Boolean |
Roller blinds | has.rollerBlinds | Boolean |
Object subsidy | has.objectSubsidy | Boolean |
Asbestus | has.asbestus | Boolean |
Ground pollution | has.groundPollution | Boolean |
Showroom | has.showroom | Boolean |
Office | has.office | Boolean |
Green house | has.greenHouse | Boolean |
Profession room | has.professionRoom | Boolean |
Living room | has.livingRoom | Boolean |
Kitchen | has.kitchen | Boolean |
Utility room | has.utilityRoom | Boolean |
Bedrooms | has.bedrooms | Boolean |
Bathroom | has.bathroom | Boolean |
Toilet | has.toilet | Boolean |
Parking place | has.parkingPlace | Boolean |
Stock | has.stock | Boolean |
Heating | has.heating | Boolean |
Electricity | has.electricity | Boolean |
Sanitary | has.sanitary | Boolean |
Ventilation | has.ventilation | Boolean |
Cable TV | has.cable_TV | Boolean |
CAI TV | has.CAI_TV | Boolean |
Pool | has.pool | Boolean |
Indexed rent | has.indexedRent | Boolean |
Airco | has.airco | Boolean |
Jacuzzi | has.jacuzzi | Boolean |
Intercom | has.intercom | Boolean |
Electricity connect | has.electricityConnect | Boolean |
Gas connect | has.gasConnect | Boolean |
Water connect | has.waterConnect | Boolean |
Sewer connect | has.sewerConnect | Boolean |
Internet connect | has.internetConnect | Boolean |
Fire place | has.firePlace | Boolean |
Wash place | has.washPlace | Boolean |
Balcony | has.balcony | Boolean |
pictures | pictures | Collection |
Index | pictures.index | Integer |
Name | pictures.name | String |
Description | pictures.description | String |
URL | pictures.URL | String |
Modified | pictures.modified | String |
Picture type | pictures.pictureType | String |
documents | documents | Collection |
Document ID | documents.documentID | Integer |
Original name | documents.originalName | String |
Description | documents.description | String |
URL | documents.URL | String |
File type | documents.fileType | String |
floorPlans | floorPlans | Collection |
Index | floorPlans.index | Integer |
Name | floorPlans.name | String |
Description | floorPlans.description | String |
URL | floorPlans.URL | String |
Modified | floorPlans.modified | String |
Picture type | floorPlans.pictureType | String |
Province | province | String |
Latitude | latitude | Double |
Longitude | longitude | Double |
Radius | radius | RadiusField |